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Integra Technologies


关于 Integra Technologies

Integra Technologies Inc. 是射频和微波大功率产品专家,致力于为高性能国防和民用雷达、航空电子、数据链路、工业和医疗应用提供创新解决方案。我们的总部位于加利福尼亚州埃尔塞贡多,我们的产品使用 100% 美国供应链制造。

我们拥有大功率半导体晶体管产品组合、放大器托盘的专业知识以及系统级知识,能够解决客户最具有挑战性的功率要求。Integra 的解决方案涵盖 UHF 到 X 频段的频率,功率范围从 10W 到 4kW。利用我们获得专利的热增强 GaN/SiC 技术,我们促成新一代高性能应用,能以 80% 以上的能源效率提供业界领先的性能。

Integra 专注于半定制、全定制晶体管和托盘解决方案,可提供快速交付、经济高效、量身打造的解决方案,帮助客户实现最佳的系统性能并更快地推向市场。

We understand what's at stake at the end of a radar signal.

At Integra, we understand what's at stake at the end of every radar signal we help power. From avionics to defense to instrumentation and weather radar, if a radar's performance leaves you wanting more resolution and range to keep people safe or communications moving, no one wants to wish they could have gotten there with a better amplifier. So, if you're striving for absolute best-in-class output power and optimized thermal and electrical efficiency from your next high-power amplifier (HPA), know that we're committed to resolving these and every other RF power amplification challenge with you.

Not only do we support your current UHF through X-band radar system applications with a full selection of the most advanced high-power pre-matched and fully matched RF power transistors and integrated RF power amplifier modules, we're also committed to supporting your legacy programs and custom design requirements.


We have the technology and program experience
to look as far back and ahead as you need.

We can't talk about them all, of course, but here's a few military radar and commercial programs and platforms that depend on Integra's high-power expertise and highly efficient RF Power Devices every day.








