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ILSI 从成立伊始就以成为世界一流的频率控制产品供应商为使命。ILSI 品牌在温度补偿晶体振荡器 (TCXO) 器件领域处于技术领先地位,并提供门类齐全的石英晶体产品。ILSI 由 Abracon 提供支持,该公司提供最新的技术设计支持并实现了灵活的全球供应链,可应对当今客户面临的独特挑战。
ILSI was founded with a mission to be a world-class supplier of frequency control products. The ILSI brand brings technology leadership in temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) devices and offers a broad quartz crystal product range. ILSI is powered by Abracon, which provides the latest technical design support and global supply chain flexibility to solve customers’ unique challenges of today.