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Lattice Semiconductor



关于 Lattice Semiconductor

Lattice Semiconductor 创立于 1983 年,总部设在美国俄勒冈州波特兰市,是智能连接解决方案的全球领导者。他们提供市场领先的知识产权和低功耗、小尺寸器件,帮助 8,000 多家全球客户快速实现了创新和差异化的经济型节能产品。该公司业务覆盖广泛的终端市场,从消费电子到工业设备、通信基础设施和许可等。

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) is the low power programmable leader. We solve customer problems across the network, from the Edge to the Cloud, in the growing communications, computing, industrial, automotive and consumer markets. Our technology, long-standing relationships, and commitment to world-class support lets our customers quickly and easily unleash their innovation to create a smart, secure and connected world.

Interested in learning more about FPGA technology? Check out our What is an FPGA page.

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