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Amphenol Limited 62GB-12E08-33SN(416) 军用连接器

订 货 号:62GB-12E08-33SN(416)      品牌:安费诺_Amphenol

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Amphenol Limited 62GB-12E08-33SN(416) 军用连接器

Amphenol 62GB 镀镍信号连接器

Amphenol 62GB 微型卡口锁定方形法兰插座和电缆安装插头信号连接器非常耐用,用途极广,由实心铝杆制成,带有镍抛光,随附焊槽镀金公或母触点以及聚氯丁烯橡胶插件。 Amphenol 62GB 系列 MIL 规格连接器的设计和功能类似于 MIl-DTL-26482,但增加了键槽,有助于防止连接器错配。这些耐用电缆安装和方形法兰插座连接器可耐受恶劣环境和极端温度,62GB 插座和插头连接器特别适合许多军事和工业连接器应用。

电缆安装插头(引脚触点)只能接合底盘插座。 电缆安装插座只能接合底盘插头

Amphenol - 62GB (nickel plating)

High quality bayonet locking connectors that have been designed to meet the requirements of BS9522 FOO17, Def Stan 59-35 and MIL-C-26482E. The connector shells are machined from aluminium alloy bar to ensure high strength. An electro less nickel plating provides a resilient, durable and long lasting finish which meets the requirements of the EC Directive for cadmium free products. These solder termination connectors are all provided with normal orientation of the inserts and are suited to applications where robust high quality connectors are demanded. This range offers standard signal pin and power pin type planforms

属性 数值
触点数目 3
性别 母座
触点类型 母座
额定电压 500 V 交流,700 V 直流
外壳尺寸 8
安装类型 安装盒
军用标准 MIL-DTL-26482
端接方法 焊接
接合型 卡口耦合
连接器尺寸 微型
主体定位 直向
系列 62GB


