发布日期:2022-10-09 点击率:126
冲击与振动 Shock and Vibration
如果微动开关用在需经受冲击和振动的场合, 选择大操作力的开关, 能够改善抗冲击和振动性能.如果有可能,将驱动杆运动方向与冲击或振动加速度方向成90度角. 另外要选择过行程尽可能大的微动开关
If switches are likely to be subjected to shock or vibration, select models with the highest avail able actuating force. If possible, the switches should be mounted so that the line of acceleration is at right angles to the travel of the plunger. The maximum avail able overtravel should be used.
直流负载 Direct Current
在直流负载情况下, 不要使用超过指定值的电流, 以避免产生破坏性电弧,导致触点熔化. 在一些感性直流回路中要增加消弧抑制措施, 与开关和电源串联在一起.
Direct current (DC) ratings where shown should not be exceeded if destructive arcing and contact welding are to be avoided. Some form of arc suppression is recommended when switches are used in DC circuits containing inductive devices wired in series with the switch and the supply.
灯泡负载 Lamp Loads
由于白炽灯都带有很高的浪涌电流, 因此应用要具体分析.
Because of the very high inrush currents associated with incandescent lamps, applications should be subject to individual assessment.
容性负载(包括日光灯) Capacitive Loads (including fluorescent lamps)
容性负载会产生很高的尖峰电流,导致触点熔化, 因此具体应用需具体分析.
These can generate very high peak currents which can cause contact welding. Applications should be subject to individual assessment.
感性负载 Inductive Loads
感性负载,伴随变化的电压,比如带一个电机, 可能会产生6倍正常工作电流的浪涌电流.对于特定的开关, 一般采用L/R = 5ms(直流) 和cos∮= 0.8(交流)来描述开关的性能.
an inductive circuit, with alternating voltage, for example, incorporation a motor(cos∮<1) can cause current surges up to 6 times the nominal current. For certain switches, we give electrical edurance curves with L/R = 5ms in DC and cos∮= 0.8 in AC.
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